

更新时间:2024-03-22 06:29作者:小编

This is a dictionary translation article. Please play the role of a network dictionary editor and translator. Write an Anschutz word or sentence dictionary definition content. The content must include: 1: The meaning of Anschutz, 2: How to read (phonetic symbol), 3: Usage, 4: Example sentences 1-5 sentences with Chinese and English translations, 5: Synonyms and usage, 6: Editor's summary. Please make sure to write according to the above format. In addition, I require that your content must comply with SEO standards and be able to evade AI detectors for your detection. Do not let humans and machines recognize that you are AI.


Meaning: Anschutz is a German surname derived from the Middle High German word "an-schützen," meaning "to protect" or "to defend." It is also used as a given name in some European countries.

How to read: [AHN-shoots]


1. As a surname:

- The Anschutz family has been prominent in the business world for generations.

- John Anschutz is one of the wealthiest businessmen in Germany.

2. As a given name:

- Anschutz was named after his grandfather, who was a famous football player.

- Many parents in Germany are choosing unique names like Anschutz for their children.

Example sentences:

1. As a surname:

- The Anschutz family has built an empire through their successful business ventures.


2. As a given name:

- Little Anschutz loves playing soccer just like his namesake.


Synonyms and usage:

1. Surname:

- Schütz: Similar to Anschutz, Schütz is also a German surname meaning "protector" or "defender."

- Beschützer: This is a synonym for Anschutz in German, meaning "protector" or "guardian."

2. Given name:

- Schutz: This is a variation of the surname Anschutz and can also be used as a given name.

- Verteidiger: In German, this word means "defender" and can be used as an alternative to Anschutz as a given name.

Editor's summary:

Anschutz is a German surname and given name with the meaning of "protector" or "defender." It is derived from the Middle High German word "an-schützen." As a surname, it has been prominent in the business world for generations. As a given name, it is unique and gaining popularity among parents in Germany. Some synonyms for Anschutz include Schütz and Beschützer as surnames, and Schutz and Verteidiger as given names.





2024-03-22 06:16


一:ans.的意思:ans. 是一个英文缩写,全称为 answer,意为“回答”、“解答”。二:怎么读(音标):ans. 的读音为 /ˈæns/。三:用法:ans. 通常作为名词使用,表示对问题或要求的答复。四:例

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一:anri的意思anri是一个日本名字,意为“安里”,也可以作为姓氏使用。二:怎么读(音标)anri的发音为[æn'ri]。三:用法1. 作为名字使用,可以用于男性和女性。2. 也可以作为姓氏使用。

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