

更新时间:2024-03-23 07:46作者:小编

/' en. 'eniplɛis

/ n. 任何地方; 无论何处

/ anyplace is a word that is used to describe anywhere or any location.

/ anyplace是一个用来描述任何地方或任何位置的词。

1. I don't care if we go to the park or the beach, I'm happy with anyplace.

/ 我不在乎我们去公园还是海滩,我对任何地方都很满意。

2. You can find good food at anyplace in this city, it's all delicious.

/ 在这个城市的任何地方都可以找到好吃的食物,它们都很美味。

3. We don't have to plan our trip too much, let's just go and explore anyplace we want.

/ 我们不必过多计划我们的旅行,让我们去探索我们想要的任何地方。

4. I've been to many countries, but there's just something special about this place that makes it stand out from anyplace else.

/ 我去过很多,但这个地方有一种特别的东西,使它与其他任何地方不同。

5. My job allows me to work from anyplace with an internet connection, so I can travel and still get my work done.

/ 我的工作允许我在有互联网连接的任何地方工作,所以我可以旅行,同时完成我的工作。

synonyms: anywhere, wherever, everywhere

/ 同义词:anywhere(无论哪里),wherever(无论何处),everywhere(到处)

usage: Anyplace is a more informal and casual way of saying "anywhere". It is often used in spoken language or in informal writing. It can also be used to emphasize the idea of not having a specific location in mind. For example, "I'm happy with anyplace" implies that the speaker doesn't have a preference for where they go. However, in formal writing, it is better to use "anywhere" instead of anyplace.

/ 用法:Anyplace是“anywhere”的一种更非正式和随意的说法。它通常用于口语或非正式的写作中。它也可以用来强调没有特定位置的概念。,“我对任何地方都很满意”暗示说话者对去哪里没有偏好。然而,在正式写作中,最好使用“anywhere”而不是anyplace。

editor's summary: Anyplace is a versatile word that can be used to describe any location or place. It is more informal than "anywhere" and is often used in spoken language or informal writing. However, it should be avoided in formal writing and replaced with "anywhere".



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