

更新时间:2024-03-23 12:39作者:小编

Aobao is a noun that refers to a type of traditional Mongolian dwelling, which is commonly used by nomadic people in Inner Mongolia and other parts of China. It is also known as a yurt or ger in English.



In Chinese, the word "aobao" (敖包) literally means "sacred mound" or "altar". It is believed to have originated from the Mongolian word "ovoo", which has a similar meaning. Aobaos are typically made of wood and felt, and are circular in shape with a domed roof.

Example Sentences:

1. The nomadic tribe set up their aobao on the grassland for the summer.


2. The aobao was beautifully decorated with colorful fabrics and patterns.


3. The herders gathered around the fire inside the aobao to keep warm.


4. The family lived in their aobao for generations, moving from one place to another with their herds.


5. The local government has built several tourist camps consisting of traditional aobaos for visitors to experience the nomadic lifestyle.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Yurt: This is the most commonly used English term for aobao. It is of Turkic origin and is widely used in Central Asia, Russia, and other parts of the world where nomadic people live.

2. Ger: This is another English term for aobao, which is derived from the Mongolian word "ger" meaning "home". It is also used in some Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

3. Tent: While not exactly the same as an aobao, tents are also temporary dwellings that are commonly used by nomadic people. They are usually made of canvas or other lightweight materials.

4. Teepee: This is a type of conical tent that was traditionally used by Native American tribes. Its shape is similar to that of an aobao, but it is made of different materials such as animal hides.

5. Wigwam: Similar to teepees, wigwams were also used by Native American tribes as temporary dwellings. They are made of wooden frames covered with bark or animal hides.

Editor's Summary:

Aobao is an important part of the Mongolian culture and has been used by nomadic people for centuries. Its unique design and practicality make it suitable for their lifestyle on the grasslands. Today, aobaos can also be found in tourist camps and have become a popular attraction for those who want to experience traditional Mongolian culture.

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