

更新时间:2024-03-24 04:17作者:小编




1. a member of an ancient Jewish sect that was known for strict observance of religious rituals and practices.

2. a self-righteous person who is hypocritical and judgmental.


apharisee is pronounced as uh-far-uh-see.


Apharisee is used as a noun to refer to someone who is overly concerned with following religious rules and rituals, but is also hypocritical in their behavior.

Example Sentences:

1. The Pharisees were the religious leaders of ancient Judea, known for their strict adherence to Jewish law.

2. The man considered himself a modern-day Pharisee, judging others for not following his strict moral code.

3. Don't be such an apharisee, just because someone doesn't practice religion the same way you do doesn't make them a bad person.

4. The apharisee looked down on others who didn't attend church regularly, while he himself was involved in scandalous activities behind closed doors.

5. The Pharisees were often criticized by Jesus for their hypocrisy and lack of true understanding of the teachings of God.

Synonyms and Usage:

Some synonyms for apharisee include hypocrite, sanctimonious person, moralist, and self-righteous person. These words all have similar meanings and can be used in place of apharisee in certain contexts.

Editor's Summary:

Apharisee is a noun that refers to someone who is overly concerned with following religious rules and rituals but is also hypocritical in their behavior. This word has its origins in ancient Judaism but can also be used to describe people in modern times who exhibit similar characteristics. It can be used as an insult or criticism towards those who are judgmental and self-righteous in their beliefs. Some synonyms for apharisee include hypocrite, sanctimonious person, moralist, and self-righteous person.

上一篇: Alex-Wong



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