
Artists-Film - Bing 词典

更新时间:2024-03-27 21:51作者:小编

一:Artists-Film - Bing 词典的意思

Artists-Film - Bing 词典是一个专门收录艺术家和电影相关词汇的网络词典。它提供了大量关于艺术家和电影制作的定义、解释以及例句,帮助读者更好地理解这些专业术语。


Artists-Film - Bing 词典 [ˈɑːtɪsts fɪlm bɪŋ ˈdɪkʃənəri]


Artists-Film - Bing 词典可以作为学习艺术和电影制作相关知识的工具,也可以作为查阅专业术语的参考书。它涵盖了艺术家、电影制作、电影行业等方面的词汇,适用于广泛的读者群体,包括学生、教师、研究人员以及对艺术和电影感兴趣的普通读者。


1. The Artists-Film - Bing dictionary provides a comprehensive collection of terms related to artists and film production.

Artists-Film - Bing 词典为与艺术家和电影制作相关的专业术语提供了全面的收录。

2. As an aspiring filmmaker, I often use Artists-Film - Bing dictionary to improve my understanding of the film industry.

作为一名有抱负的电影制作人,我经常使用Artists-Film - Bing 词典来提高对电影行业的理解。

3. The glossary section of Artists-Film - Bing dictionary is particularly helpful for students who are new to the field of film studies.

Artists-Film - Bing 词典的术语表部分对于电影研究领域的新生特别有帮助。

4. The definition and usage examples in Artists-Film - Bing dictionary are concise and easy to understand.

Artists-Film - Bing 词典中的定义和用法示例简洁易懂。

5. With the help of Artists-Film - Bing dictionary, I was able to decode the technical terms used in the documentary about contemporary artists.

在Artists-Film - Bing 词典的帮助下,我能够理解那部关于当代艺术家的纪录片中使用的技术术语。


1. Filmmaker: a person who directs or produces films

Synonyms: movie maker, director, producer

Example: The renowned filmmaker is known for his unique storytelling style.

2. Cinematographer: a person who is responsible for capturing the visual elements of a film

Synonyms: director of photography, cameraman

Example: The cinematographer used different lighting techniques to create a specific mood in the film.

3. Screenplay: a script for a movie or television show

Synonyms: script, screenplay, scenario

Example: The screenwriter spent months perfecting the screenplay for the blockbuster film.

4. Artistry: the skill or creativity of an artist

Synonyms: creativity, talent, ingenuity

Example: The artistry of the makeup artist transformed the actor into a convincing character.

5. Cinematic: relating to or characteristic of films

Synonyms: filmic, movie-like, cinematical

Example: The director's use of music added a cinematic quality to the documentary.


Artists-Film - Bing 词典是一个专门收录艺术家和电影相关词汇的网络词典,它为读者提供了丰富的定义、解释和例句,帮助读者更好地理解这些专业术语。它适用于广泛的读者群体,包括学生、教师、研究人员以及对艺术和电影感兴趣的普通读者。通过使用Artists-Film - Bing 词典,读者可以扩展自己的专业知识,提高对艺术和电影制作的理解能力。

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