更新时间:2024-03-08 02:59作者:小编
abrase [əˈbreɪz]
1. (动词) 磨损,磨蚀,擦伤
2. (名词) 磨损,擦伤
abrase [əˈbreɪz]
1. The rough surface of the sandpaper will abrase the wood and make it smooth.
2. The constant friction between the two metal parts will eventually abrase them and cause damage.
3. The strong winds and sandstorms can easily abrase the paint on the exterior walls of buildings.
4. The sharp rocks on the riverbed have abrased my feet, making it difficult for me to walk.
5. The constant use of this old typewriter has abrased the letters on the keyboard, making it hard to see.
1. Wear down: 磨损,消耗。:The constant rubbing of the rope against the rock will wear it down.
2. Scrape: 刮擦,擦伤。:The sharp edges of the metal sheet can easily scrape your skin.
3. Rub off: 擦掉,脱落。:The paint on the wall is starting to rub off due to the humidity.
4. Erode: 侵蚀,磨损。:The river water has eroded away the rocks over time.
abrase这个词是一个形容物体表面因摩擦或其他力量而产生磨损或擦伤的动词。它可以用来描述各种物体,如木材、金属、建筑物等等。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到这个词,特别是在描述某些物体表面发生变化时。如果想要避免重复使用“wear down”、“scrape”等同义词,可以尝试使用abrase来丰富文章的表达。