更新时间:2024-03-08 08:49作者:小编
1. 作为名词,abyss可以用来表示极大的深度或者无底洞。:The ocean is an abyss that we have yet to fully explore.(海洋是一个我们还没有完全探索的深渊。)
2. 也可以用来比喻指某种无法逾越的巨大障碍或者困境。:The country was on the brink of an economic abyss.(这个正处于经济危机的边缘。)
1. The dark, mysterious abyss seemed to stretch on forever, making the explorers feel small and insignificant.
2. She felt like she was falling into an abyss of despair, unable to see a way out of her difficult situation.
3. The gap between the rich and the poor is an abyss that continues to widen, causing social unrest.
4. The team was faced with an abyss of challenges, but they persevered and eventually achieved their goal.
5. He felt like he was standing on the edge of an abyss, unsure of what the future held for him.
1. Chasm:指宽而深的裂缝或者隔阂,也可以用来比喻指巨大的分歧或者障碍。
2. Gulf:指宽而深的海湾,也可以用来比喻指巨大的分歧或者障碍。
3. Void:指空虚、缺乏或者没有内容。
4. Pit:指深坑或者陷阱,也可以用来比喻指困境或者困难。