更新时间:2024-03-16 22:42作者:小编
benighted是一个英语单词,意思是愚昧无知的,被蒙在鼓里的。它的读音为 [bɪˈnaɪtɪd]。
1. The villagers were benighted and had no access to modern technology.
2. He was benighted by his lack of education and struggled to understand the complex concepts.
3. The benighted policies of the government led to economic downfall.
4. The young girl was benighted by her strict upbringing and had a narrow view of the world.
5. Don't be benighted, educate yourself and broaden your horizons.
1. Ignorant (adj.): lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
同义词:unenlightened, illiterate, uneducated
用法:The benighted villagers had no access to education and were ignorant of the outside world.
2. Uninformed (adj.): not having or showing knowledge or information about a particular subject or situation.
同义词:unaware, clueless, uninstructed
用法:He was benighted about the current political situation and had no idea what was happening in the country.
3. Backward (adj.): less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
同义词:undeveloped, primitive, uncivilized
用法:The remote village was benighted and still lived in a backward society with no access to modern amenities.
4. Naive (adj.): showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
同义词:innocent, inexperienced, gullible
用法:The young girl was benighted and fell for the scam because of her naive nature.
5. Unenlightened (adj.): lacking spiritual or intellectual insight; not enlightened.
同义词:ignorant, unaware, uneducated
用法:The benighted ruler refused to listen to his advisors and made unwise decisions for his kingdom.