更新时间:2024-03-18 15:53作者:小编
1. 物理上的连接:在工程领域,coupling常用来描述不同机械部件之间的连接方式,如管道、轴等。:“The coupling between the motor and the pump is broken.”(电机和泵之间的联接断裂了。)
2. 逻辑上的关联:在计算机科学中,coupling常用来描述软件中不同模块之间的依赖程度。高耦合度(high coupling)意味着模块之间相互依赖性强,修改一个模块会影响其他模块;低耦合度(low coupling)则表示模块之间相互独立,修改一个模块不会影响其他模块。:“This software has a high level of coupling, making it difficult to make changes without affecting other parts of the system.”(这个软件具有高耦合度,很难在不影响其他部分的情况下进行修改。)
3. 人际关系:在日常生活中,coupling也可以用来形容人与人之间的关系。:“The coupling between the two coworkers is quite tense.”(这两个同事之间的关系非常紧张。)
1. The coupling between the train cars was loose, causing a delay in the journey.(火车车厢之间的联接松动了,导致旅程延误。)
2. The coupling of the two companies resulted in a more efficient production process.(这两家公司的联合使生产过程更加高效。)
3. The high level of coupling between the software components made it difficult to debug.(软件组件之间高耦合度导致调试困难。)
4. The therapist helped the couple work on their emotional coupling and communication skills.(治疗师帮助这对夫妻改善情感和沟通能力。)
5. The coupling between the two dancers was so seamless that it seemed like they were one person on stage.(这两位舞者之间的配合非常默契,看起来就像是一个人在舞台上表演。)
1. Connection:指物理或逻辑上连接在一起的事物。
2. Linkage:指连接或关联的方式。
3. Bond:指紧密的或关系。
4. Relationship:指人与人之间的或关系。
5. Association:指两个或多个事物之间的。