更新时间:2024-03-20 11:51作者:小编
1. 作为名词,foresight通常用于以下几种情况:
a. 指对未来事物的洞察力和预测能力。:His foresight helped him avoid potential problems.
b. 指未来展望或计划。:We need to have foresight when making long-term decisions.
c. 指提前采取措施以防止可能发生的事情。:The company showed great foresight by investing in new technology.
2. 作为动词,foresight通常用于以下几种情况:
a. 表示预见或预测。:He foresaw the potential risks and took necessary precautions.
b. 表示提前做出计划或安排。:She foresighted the future and started saving money for her retirement.
1. His foresight helped him avoid potential problems.
2. We need to have foresight when making long-term decisions.
3. The company showed great foresight by investing in new technology.
4. He foresaw the potential risks and took necessary precautions.
5. She foresighted the future and started saving money for her retirement.
1. prescience:指对未来事物的准确预测能力,强调超乎常人的洞察力。:His prescience about the market trends helped him make successful investments.
2. anticipation:指提前预料或期待某件事情发生。:The company's strong anticipation of customer needs led to a successful product launch.
3. vision:指对未来发展方向和趋势的清晰认识和展望。:The CEO's vision for the company's growth inspired the employees to work harder.
4. insight:指对事物本质和内涵的深刻理解,也可以指对未来发展方向的敏锐洞察力。:Her insight into consumer behavior helped the company develop effective marketing strategies.