更新时间:2024-03-22 01:15作者:小编
1. During World War II, many Japanese Americans were subjected to internment in camps for fear of being spies. (二战期间,许多日裔美国人因担心被当作而被关押在集中营里。)
2. The internment of political dissidents has been a common practice in many authoritarian countries. (异议者的关押在许多专制是一种常见做法。)
3. The government declared a state of emergency and ordered the internment of all foreign nationals living in the country. (宣布进入紧急状态,并下令关押所有居住在该国的外国人。)
4. The internment of refugees in overcrowded camps has raised concerns about their living conditions. (难民被关押在拥挤的营地里引发了人们对他们生活条件的担忧。)
5. The internment of prisoners of war is regulated by the Geneva Convention. (战争俘虏的关押受《日内瓦公约》的规范。)
1. confinement:指或对个人或群体的限制行为,通常是为了惩罚或其行为。
例:The prisoner was sentenced to 10 years of confinement for his crime. (这名囚犯因犯罪被判处10年徒刑。)
2. detention:指非法拘留或暂时关押,通常是在等待审判或调查期间。
例:The police detained the suspects for questioning. (拘留了嫌疑人进行询问。)
3. imprisonment:指被剥夺自由并关押在监狱中,通常是因为违反法律。
例:He was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. (他因谋杀罪被判处。)
internment一词通常用于描述或方对某些人群的限制行为,在紧急情况下可能会发生。它的用法可以是名词或动词,与 confinement、detention 和 imprisonment 等词有一定的近义关系,但又有着不同的含义和用法。在撰写文章时,建议根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换,以避免重复使用。