

更新时间:2024-03-23 04:57作者:小编


Meaning: To pour water on plants or soil in order to keep them hydrated and healthy.

Pronunciation: /dʒaʊ wɔːtər/

Usage: "浇水" is a compound verb in Chinese, formed by combining the characters for "pour" (浇) and "water" (水). It is commonly used to describe the action of watering plants or soil.

Example Sentences:

1. 我每天早上都会起来给花草浇水,这样它们就能茁壮成长了。

Translation: I water my plants every morning so they can grow strong and healthy.

2. 这个夏天特别炎热,记得要经常给花园里的植物浇水,否则它们会枯萎。

Translation: It's been extremely hot this summer, remember to water the plants in the garden regularly, otherwise they will wither.

3. 每次我出差,都会请邻居帮忙来给我的花园浇水,不然我担心它们会枯死。

Translation: Whenever I go on a business trip, I ask my neighbor to help water my garden, otherwise I worry that they will die from lack of water.

4. 奶奶总是说在她年轻的时候,没有自来水管道,每天都要去河边取水回家浇菜地。

Translation: My grandmother always says that when she was young, there were no water pipes, so she had to fetch water from the river every day to water her vegetable garden.

5. 这个花园的植物都是用雨水浇灌,所以它们长得特别茂盛。

Translation: The plants in this garden are all watered with rainwater, so they grow very lush.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 浇灌 (jiāoguàn): This is a more formal term for "浇水", often used in agricultural or gardening contexts.

Example sentence: 农民每天早上都会起来给田地里的庄稼浇灌,这样它们就能茁壮成长了。Translation: Farmers water their crops every morning so they can grow strong and healthy.

2. 淋水 (línsuǐ): This term is used to describe the action of sprinkling or pouring water on something, similar to "浇水".

Example sentence: 这些花都需要经常淋水才能保持鲜艳的颜色。Translation: These flowers need to be watered regularly to maintain their vibrant colors.

3. 滴水 (dīshuǐ): This term refers to dripping water onto something, often used when talking about watering individual plants or specific areas.

Example sentence: 我每天都会在这些小苗上滴水,这样它们就能生长得更健壮。Translation: I drip water on these seedlings every day so they can grow stronger.

Editor's Summary:

"浇水" is a commonly used compound verb in Chinese, describing the action of watering plants or soil. It can also be used as a noun, referring to the act of watering itself. Other synonyms such as "浇灌", "淋水", and "滴水" can also be used in different contexts. Remember to water your plants regularly to keep them healthy and thriving!




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