更新时间:2024-03-24 03:08作者:小编
1. The pilot sent out a mayday signal when the plane's engine failed. 飞行员在飞机发动机失灵时发出了mayday信号。
2. The sailor used a flashlight to send a mayday signal to nearby ships. 水手用手电筒向附近船只发出了mayday信号。
3. The hikers were lost in the mountains and had to use their radio to call for help with a mayday. 迷路的徒步者们不得不通过无线电发出mayday求救。
4. The captain declared a mayday when the ship started sinking in the stormy sea. 船长在暴风雨中船只开始下沉时宣布了mayday。
5. The coast guard immediately responded to the mayday call and sent a rescue team to the stranded boat. 海岸卫队立即响应了mayday呼叫,并派出救援队伍前往搁浅的船只。
除了mayday外,其他常用的紧急呼叫信号还包括SOS和pan-pan。SOS是最常用的紧急信号,它来源于摩尔斯电码中“...---...”的组合,也可以被理解为“Save Our Souls”的缩写。pan-pan则表示紧急情况不如mayday严重,但仍需要帮助。它来源于法语“panne”,意为“故障”。