更新时间:2024-03-24 19:14作者:小编
1. nip作为动词时,常用于描述动物或人用牙齿轻轻地咬或夹住某物。:
- The puppy nipped at my fingers playfully. (小狗欢快地咬我的手指)
- She nipped off a piece of bread and gave it to the bird. (她掰下一块面包喂给了鸟)
2. nip也可用来表示捏、夹住某物的动作。:
- She nipped the thread with her fingers. (她用手指夹住了线头)
- He nipped the pencil between his teeth. (他把铅笔夹在牙齿间)
3. 另外,nip还可以表示刺痛或轻微的伤害。:
- I felt a sharp nip on my arm when I brushed against the thorns. (当我碰到荆棘时,我感到胳膊被刺痛了一下)
4. 作为名词,nip可以指代动物的爪子或植物的小枝条。:
- The cat's nips were sharp and dangerous. (猫的爪子又尖又危险)
- She picked some nips from the bush to decorate her flower arrangement. (她从灌木丛中采了些小枝条来装饰她的花艺作品)
5. 在网络用语中,nip也可以表示“轻松解决”、“抓住机会”的意思。:
- We need to nip this problem in the bud before it gets worse. (我们需要在问题恶化之前就解决它)
- He always knows how to nip a good deal when he sees one. (他总是能抓住好机会)
1. The puppy nipped at my fingers playfully.
2. She nipped off a piece of bread and gave it to the bird.
3. I felt a sharp nip on my arm when I brushed against the thorns.
4. She picked some nips from the bush to decorate her flower arrangement.
5. We need to nip this problem in the bud before it gets worse.
1. bite:与nip相似,也可以表示咬或夹住某物,但bite更强调用牙齿有力地咬下去。
2. pinch:指用指甲、手指等夹住某物,也可以表示轻微的伤害。
3. prick:意为“刺痛”,多用于描述针或刺物刺入皮肤的感觉。
4. twinge:与nip相似,也可以表示轻微的疼痛或不适。
5. seize:意为“抓住”、“捕捉”,常用于形容抓住机会或解决问题。