

更新时间:2023-09-24 15:57作者:网络



1. 文本结构角度



好的推荐信应该有一个鲜明的开头和结尾,推荐信的开头应该让读者产生信任感,而且能够吸引读者的注意力,结尾则要回顾一下推荐的重点,强调他们对申请人的保证。 参考格式: ▶开头:写出推荐人的身份背景,接着写出建议信写这封信的原因。这一段可以用来描述申请人接触到了多少符合条件的推荐人。 例子: I am pleased to write a recommendation on behalf of John Doe, who is applying to the MBA program at Harvard Business School. I have known John since he was a freshman at XYZ University, and I am impressed by his academic achievements,excellent leadership,and superb interpersonal skills. ▶中间:在正文部分,建议人要介绍自己对申请者的了解情况,强调申请人的能力,并陈述成果。此外,还应根据不同的申请情况,突出各自特点。 参考格式: John’s outstanding academic performance can be seen from his excellent grades and rigorous self-discipline. In addition, he served as president of the Student Union and was instrumental in raising $15,000 for the local food bank. ▶结尾:建议人要再次表达一下对申请人的高度评价,并说明对申请人的进一步希望。 例子: In summary, I believe John will be an excellent addition to your MBA program at Harvard Business School. I give him my highest recommendation and have every confidence that he will contribute greatly to your academic community.


在大牛写好的推荐信中,段落分明,排版清晰,突出重点,语句清晰明了,易于阅读,这样让评审官更容易记住你。 参考格式: I have known John since he was a freshman at XYZ University. During the past four years, I have been impressed by his excellent academic performance. He has consistently been among the top students in his class and achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.90, with a major in Finance. Moreover, his engaging personality and excellent leadership skills make him a valuable asset both inside and outside the classroom. 需要注意的是,段落之间要空一行,这样更容易让人辨识出段落之间的关系。

2. 语言表达角度



在申请过程中,每一个推荐人要将自己的评价写在正式的推荐信中。推荐人应该使用一些正面的词汇,来突出之前评价中的重点。 参考格式: I am pleased to provide this letter of recommendation in support of Ms. Jane Smith’s application to your MBA program. As Jane’s supervisor for the past three years, I have been consistently impressed by her ability to manage complex projects, her excellent communication skills and her positive and optimistic approach to work. ▶正面的词汇有: engaging; energetic; dedicated;hard-working; determined; humble; adaptable; resilient; conscientious; capable;effective; loyal;admirable.


在写推荐信时,需要注意的是说服人的方式。人们最容易被那些能简洁表达,大大降低理解难度的申请材料所吸引。因此,简洁明了是推荐人要注重的问题。 参考格式: John’s outstanding academic performance can be seen from his excellent grades and rigorous self-discipline. In addition, he served as president of the Student Union and was instrumental in raising $15,000 for the local food bank.

3. 事例论证角度



注重事例的话,推荐信就可以更加精准地描述申请人的能力,可以提供证据证明申请人确实有这样能力,更可以深刻影响评审官的评价。 参考格式: I firmly believe that Adriana has the intellectual and interpersonal skills to become a successful international investment banker. For example, during her internship at JP Morgan, she showed an outstanding ability to analyze and interpret complex financial data, while at the same time working effectively with a wide range of stakeholders.


这个篇章将介绍《事例论证角度》的其他重要因素。 推荐信应该尽可能地提供有说服力的事例,这样一来可以更加独特地证明申请人的能力。如果没有特别的事例,那么可以用推荐人的评价来概括申请人的能力。 参考格式: I believe that Jane has the analytical and verbal skills required to be successful in a demanding MBA program. In my experience working with her, she demonstrated an impressive ability to handle complex projects and manage a team environment, working collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders.

4. 个性化定制角度



在写推荐信时,应该尽量使用申请者熟悉的用语,而不是晦涩难懂的推荐信。同时也要突显申请者的具体情况。 参考格式: Jane is truly passionate about pursuing a career in the international financial services industry, with a particular focus on emerging markets in Asia and Latin America. This is demonstrated by her advanced coursework in international economics, as well as her involvement in a number of extracurricular activities, including the Global Business Club.


推荐信应该强调申请者的独特性和个性化特点,让读者能够从中看出申请者的个性和特长,从而更好地体现了申请人的优点。 参考格式: Jane’s strong work ethic, analytical skills, and cultural sensitivity make her an excellent candidate for further studies in international finance. As a bright and energetic student, I know that she has the motivation and commitment necessary to succeed in a top MBA program.

5. 信息披露角度



推荐信应该简洁明了地介绍申请人的基本信息,比如学历背景、工作经历、社会经历等等。同时,这个部分也可以特别突出申请者的特长和优点。 参考格式: John is a capable young professional with a keen interest in finance, and I have no doubt that he would be an invaluable asset to your MBA program. Since graduating from college, he has worked in a variety of challenging roles in the finance industry, including as an investment analyst at a major investment bank. This has given him an impressive level of depth and breadth of experience that is directly relevant to the field of finance.


推荐信的最后一个部分应该是推荐人的联系方式和一个个人名片。此外,推荐人可以在深度评价的基础上,补充描述一下申请者的最近活动和表现,这样可以使申请人得到更好的评价。 参考格式: I would be happy to provide you with additional information about John, or to discuss his application further at your convenience. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.






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