更新时间:2024-03-26 22:04作者:小编
1. The ceiling of the grand ballroom was adorned with beautiful rosettes, adding a touch of elegance to the room. (宴会厅的天花板上装饰着美丽的玫瑰花饰,为房间增添了一抹优雅。)
2. The winner of the horse race proudly wore his rosette, showing off his victory to the crowd. (马赛中获胜者自豪地佩戴着他的荣誉徽章,向人群展示他的胜利。)
3. The intricate rosette pattern on the antique dresser caught my eye at the flea market. (跳蚤市场上古董梳妆台上精美的玫瑰花饰图案吸引了我的眼球。)
4. The fashion designer incorporated rosette accents into her latest collection, giving it a romantic and feminine touch. (时装设计师将玫瑰花饰作为最新系列的点缀,赋予它浪漫和女性化的气息。)
5. The pastry chef skillfully crafted a delicate rosette out of whipped cream to off the delicious dessert. (糕点师傅巧妙地用打发的奶油制作出精致的玫瑰花饰,为美味的甜点画上完美句号。)
1. Rosette可以替换为rose window,意为“玫瑰窗”,通常指教堂或大型建筑中装饰着玫瑰花形彩色玻璃的窗户。
2. Rosette还可以指代一种植物,即“月见草”(evening primrose),因其叶子排列成类似于玫瑰花饰的形状而得名。