更新时间:2024-03-27 04:16作者:小编
SDRs是指特殊提款权(Special Drawing Rights)的缩写形式,是国际货币基金组织(IMF)发行的一种特殊货币。它是一种国际储备资产,主要用于补充成员国的外汇储备和促进国际支付。SDRs的价值由美元、欧元、日元和英镑四种主要货币构成的篮子决定,其目的是为了减少单一货币对全球经济的影响力。
SDRs [es di ɑːz]
1. The member countries of IMF can use SDRs to supplement their foreign exchange reserves. (国际货币基金组织成员国可以使用SDRs来补充外汇储备。)
2. SDRs are considered as a stable and reliable international reserve asset. (SDRs被认为是稳定可靠的国际储备资产。)
3. The value of SDRs is determined by a basket of major currencies, including the US dollar, euro, Japanese yen, and British pound. (SDRs的价值由包括美元、欧元、日元和英镑在内的主要货币构成的篮子决定。)
4. Some developing countries are calling for an increase in the allocation of SDRs to help them cope with financial challenges. (一些发展中呼吁增加SDRs的分配量,以帮助他们应对金融挑战。)
5. The IMF has the authority to issue and allocate SDRs to its member countries according to their quotas. (国际货币基金组织有权根据成员国的配额发行和分配SDRs。)