

更新时间:2023-09-26 11:43作者:网络






申请美国博士时,申请者需要提供完整的申请材料,包括成绩单、推荐信、个人陈述、简历等等。如果申请材料不足或者不符合要求,可能会被拒绝。此时,申请者可以重新准备材料并且仔细阅读拒绝信,找出问题所在,再进行修订和补充。 例: Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in our program. After a careful review of your application, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to our PhD program. Although we were impressed with your academic achievements, we were concerned with the lack of a detailed research proposal. As you know, the PhD program places a heavy emphasis on independent research, and we would like to see how your proposed research fits within the broader scope of the field. We encourage you to consider reapplying to our program when you have had the opportunity to develop a more comprehensive research proposal. Sincerely, Admissions Committee


美国的博士教育非常注重学术素质。申请者需要具备一定的学术背景和实力。如果申请者在研究能力、英语水平等方面没有达到学校的要求,就有可能被拒绝。在此情况下,申请者可以通过提高自己的学术素质和英语水平来增加申请的成功率。 例: Dear Applicant, We have received your application for admission to our PhD program, and we have carefully reviewed your academic credentials and research experience. Unfortunately, we have determined that your qualifications do not meet our academic standards. Although we were impressed by your research experience, we found that your academic record is not strong enough to ensure success in our rigorous PhD program. We also have concerns about your English proficiency, which is critical for success in graduate-level coursework. We encourage you to continue to build your academic skills and English proficiency, and to consider reapplying to our program when your qualifications have improved. Sincerely, Admissions Committee


美国的博士生培养具有一定的针对性,每所大学的博士项目都有自己的研究方向和特点。如果申请者的研究方向与学校不匹配,就可能被拒绝。此时,申请者可以选择关注哪些学校适合自己的研究方向,并在材料中详细说明自己的研究计划和与该学校的匹配度。 例: Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in our PhD program. We have carefully reviewed your application and have determined that your research interests are not a good match for our program. We understand that you have a strong background in engineering, but our PhD program in physics is focused on a different area of research. While we were impressed with your academic credentials, we believe that another institution with a more appropriate program may be better suited to your interests. We encourage you to explore other PhD programs that more closely align with your research goals and interests. Sincerely, Admissions Committee


有时,申请者可能会收到一封不太清楚不予录取原因的拒绝信。在这种情况下,申请者可以尝试联系学校,了解更多细节和解释。 例: Dear Applicant, Thank you for your application to our PhD program. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you admission at this time. We received a large number of qualified applicants for a limited number of spaces, and the decision process was highly competitive. While we were impressed with your application, we regret that we cannot offer you a place in our program. We encourage you to consider applying to other PhD programs, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Admissions Committee


有些拒绝信会针对申请者的具体情况,给出建议和鼓励。这种信件通常写得比较温和,并且指明申请者今后可以采取哪些措施来提高成功应聘的机会。 例: Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in our PhD program. We have carefully reviewed your application materials, and while we were impressed with your academic achievements and research experience, we are unable to offer you admission at this time. We encourage you to continue to pursue your academic interests and to consider taking post-baccalaureate courses to improve your qualifications for future PhD applications. We also recommend that you seek out additional research experience to complement your academic credentials. We wish you all the best in your future academic pursuits. Sincerely, Admissions Committee






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<br /> <b>Warning</b>: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean gi

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