更新时间:2024-03-28 02:59作者:小编
stressout的音标为/stres aʊt/。
1. The constant deadlines and high expectations at work have been stressing me out lately. (最近,工作中不断的截止日期和高期望让我感到很紧张。)
2. Exams always stress me out, I can never seem to relax until they're over. (考试总是让我感到很紧张,直到考完了我才能放松。)
3. Don't stress yourself out too much, it's just a job interview. (不要太过紧张,这只是一次面试而已。)
4. The constant pressure from her parents to excel in school was really stressing her out. (父母对她在学校表现出色的不断压力让她感到很焦虑。)
5. I could tell he was really stressed out about the presentation, his hands were shaking and he couldn't s fidgeting. (我能感觉到他对演讲非常紧张,他的手在颤抖,无法停止躁动。)
1. Worry: 担心、忧虑。与stressout的区别是,worry更多指担心未来可能发生的事情,而stressout则强调已经发生的压力和焦虑。
2. Anxious: 焦虑的、不安的。与stressout的区别是,anxious通常指一种内心的不安和担忧,而stressout则更多指外部因素造成的紧张和压力。
3. Overwhelm: 压倒、使不知所措。与stressout的区别是,overwhelm强调被巨大压力或负担所淹没和击垮。
4. Burden: 负担、重压。与stressout的区别是,burden更多指一种沉重或烦扰的负担,而stressout则强调对身心造成的影响。
5. Strain: 压力、紧张。与stressout的区别是,strain可以指身体或上受到过度压力的影响,而stressout则更多指上的紧张和焦虑。