更新时间:2024-03-28 09:09作者:小编
1. Symmetry作为名词使用,表示对称性。:“The butterfly's wings have perfect symmetry.”
2. Symmetry也可用来表示平衡和对等。:“There is a symmetry between the two sides of the argument.”
3. 在数学和物理学领域,symmetry也有特定的含义,指某个在不同变换下保持不变的性质。
1. The human face has a natural symmetry, with the left and right sides being almost identical. (人脸具有天然的对称性,左右两侧几乎完全相同。)
2. The snowflake's pattern is known for its perfect symmetry. (雪花的形状以其完美的对称性而闻名。)
3. The design of the building is based on the concept of symmetry, with each wing mirroring the other in shape and size. (这座建筑的设计基于对称性概念,每个翼楼在形状和大小上都相互呼应。)
4. The artist used symmetry to create a sense of balance and harmony in the painting. (艺术家利用对称性在画作中营造出平衡和谐的感觉。)
5. In mathematics, the concept of symmetry is essential in understanding geometric shapes and patterns. (在数学中,对称性的概念对于理解几何形状和模式至关重要。)
1. Balance:指两侧或多个部分的相等或相似,强调整体的平衡。
2. Proportion:指各部分之间的比例关系,强调整体的协调。
3. Harmony:指各部分之间的和谐统一,强调整体的美感。
这些词也可以与symmetry搭配使用,:“The artist achieved a perfect balance and symmetry in his sculpture.”