更新时间:2024-03-29 06:55作者:小编
TwistedSister的发音为/twɪstɪd ˈsɪstər/,其中“twisted”的发音为/twɪstɪd/,“sister”的发音为/ˈsɪstər/。
1. She's a real twisted sister, always wearing mismatched clothes and speaking in riddles. (她是个真正的扭曲姐妹,总是穿着不搭配的衣服,说话也总是谜语般的。)
2. The girls in that clique are all twisted sisters, with their colorful hair and piercings. (那个小圈子里的女孩都是扭曲姐妹,有着五颜六色的头发和穿孔。)
3. Don't be fooled by her innocent appearance, she's a twisted sister who loves to play pranks on people. (不要被她天真的外表所欺骗,她是个喜欢恶作剧的扭曲姐妹。)
4. The fashion show was full of twisted sisters with their avant-garde designs and eccentric personalities. (时装秀上充满了扭曲姐妹,她们有着前卫的设计和古怪的个性。)
5. Growing up, my sister and I were like two peas in a pod, but now she's become a real twisted sister with her rebellious attitude. (长大后,我和我姐姐就像豌豆中的两颗,但现在她变成了一个真正的扭曲姐妹,带着叛逆的态度。)
1. Eccentric sister:形容一个行为古怪、与众不同的女性。
2. Quirky sister:指一个有着独特、奇怪习惯或者爱好的女性。
3. Unconventional sister:用来形容一个与传统观念不同、不拘一格的女性。
4. Oddball sister:指一个行为或者外表古怪、与众不同的女性。
5. Rebel sister:形容一个有着叛逆心态、违背常规思维的女性。