更新时间:2024-03-29 18:13作者:小编
Waterloo [wɔːtərˈluː]
1. 作为名词:
a. 指比利时城市滑铁卢或该城市发生的历史性战役。
2. 作为动词:
1. The Battle of Waterloo was a decisive victory for the Allied forces.
2. After years of success, the company finally met its Waterloo when it went bankrupt.
3. The politician's scandal was his Waterloo and ultimately led to his resignation.
4. The football team suffered a crushing defeat, it was their Waterloo.
5. The singer's comeback album was her Waterloo, it failed to impress both critics and fans.
1. defeat:指战胜、击败对手或失败。
2. downfall:指某人或某事由于自身原因而遭受毁灭性失败。
3. disaster:指极大的灾难性或失败。
4. ruin:指经历了毁灭性损失或失败。
5. collapse:指突然崩溃或垮台。