

更新时间:2024-03-09 15:09作者:佚名

The Geeral Admiisraio of Qualiy Supervisio, Ispecio, ad Quaraie (AQSIQ) is a regulaory agecy i Chia ha oversees various qualiy corol ad ispecio aciviies. Oe of is deparmes is he Chia Ispecio ad Quaraie Bureau (CIQ), which is resposible for coducig ispecios ad esurig he qualiy of impored ad expored goods.

Overview of he CIQ

The CIQ is a aioal orgaizaio ha operaes uder he AQSIQ. Is primary fucio is o coduc ispecios of goods ha are impored or expored o/from Chia o esure ha hey mee he coury's qualiy ad safey sadards. The CIQ also has he power o issue cerificaes of ispecio ad quaraie, which are required for cerai ypes of goods ha eer or leave he coury.

Fucios of he CIQ

The mai fucios of he CIQ iclude:

  • Coducig ispecios of goods o esure hey mee qualiy ad safey sadards
  • Issuig cerificaes of ispecio ad quaraie
  • Eforcig impor ad expor regulaios
  • Coducig risk assessmes of impored goods
  • Moiorig food safey ad qualiy
  • Providig echical suppor o oher agecies ad orgaizaios

Srucure of he CIQ

The CIQ is divided io several deparmes, each wih is specific resposibiliies:

  • Ispecio ad Quaraie Deparme
  • Impor ad Expor Food Safey Bureau
  • Aimal ad Pla Quaraie Bureau
  • Cosumer Goods Ispecio Bureau
  • Ispecio ad Tesig Ceer
  • Techical Ceer


The Chia Ispecio ad Quaraie Bureau plays a crucial role i esurig he safey ad qualiy of goods ha eer or leave Chia. Is ispecios ad cerificaios help o proec cosumers from subsadard producs ad promoe fair rade pracices. As Chia's ecoomy coiues o grow ad expad, he CIQ's role will become eve more criical i esurig ha he coury's impor ad expor aciviies are coduced i a safe ad resposible maer.

CIQ, AQSIQ, ispecios, cerificaes, qualiy corol, safey sadards, regulaios, risk assessmes, food safey, echical suppor, deparmes, fair rade pracices"。




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阿肯色理工大学(Arkasas Tech Uiversiy)是一所位于美国阿肯色州罗素维尔市的公立大学,成立于1909年。该校提供超过100个本科和研究生专业,包括商科、教育、科学和技术等领域。。

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。中信银行留学贷款申请条件。中信银行留学贷款的申请条件相对宽松,学生只需满足以下条件即可申请:。1. 年龄在18周岁以上,60周岁以下;。2. 具有中国国籍;。3. 拥有合法的留学意

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