更新时间:2024-03-16 00:59作者:小编
Beauty_mark is a beauty spot on the face, also known as a beauty spot or beauty mark. It is a natural skin mole, usually round or oval in shape, with a light color that matches the skin tone. In ancient times, some people believed that these beauty spots had auspicious symbolic meanings and were therefore seen as a sign of beauty.
beauty_mark [ˈbjuːti mɑːk]
Beauty_mark is usually used as a noun and can function as subject, predicate, object, etc. in a sentence. It can refer to any beauty spot on the face, or specifically a beauty spot with special significance. In daily life, people also use beauty_mark to describe a new beauty spot that appears on someone's face.
1. She has a beauty_mark above her lip, which adds to her charm. 她的嘴唇上方有一个美容痣,这增添了她的魅力。
2. In ancient China, having a beauty_mark was considered a symbol of good fortune and beauty. 在古代,拥有美容痣被视为吉祥和美丽的象征。
3. The actress has a small beauty_mark on her cheek, making her look even more alluring. 这位女演员脸颊上有一个小小的美容痣,让她看起来更加迷人。
4. Some people believe that the location of a beauty_mark can reveal one's personality traits. 有些人认为美容痣的位置可以揭示一个人的个性特征。
5. She is considering getting a fake beauty_mark tattooed on her face for a unique look. 她正在考虑在脸上纹一个假的美容痣,以展现与众不同的风格。
1. Beauty_spot: 和beauty_mark意思相同,也指脸上的美容痣。但是它更常用来形容自然形成、具有吸引力的皮肤瑕疵。
例句:Her beauty_spot on her chin makes her look more attractive. 她下巴上的美容痣让她看起来更有魅力。
2. Mole: 指皮肤上的黑色或棕色小斑点,也可以用来指代美容痣。与beauty_mark不同的是,mole通常是天生的,而beauty_mark可以通过化妆来营造。
例句:She has a mole on her cheek, but she covers it with makeup. 她脸颊上有一个黑痣,但她用化妆品遮盖了它。