更新时间:2024-03-16 22:37作者:小编
breathless [ˈbreθləs]
1. After running for 30 minutes, I was completely breathless and had to s to catch my breath. (跑了30分钟后,我完全喘不过气来,不得不停下来喘口气。)
2. The athlete crossed the finish line breathless, but with a huge smile on his face. (这位运动员穿过终点线时上气不接下气,但脸上却挂着灿烂的笑容。)
3. The audience was left breathless by the stunning performance of the acrobats. (杂技演员惊人的表演让观众们感到兴奋不已。)
4. The breathtaking view from the of the mountain was worth the long hike. (从山顶俯瞰的景色令人惊叹,值得我们长途跋涉。)
5. She was breathless with excitement when she heard the news of her promotion. (听到晋升的消息,她激动得连呼吸都有些困难。)
1. Out of breath: 和breathless意思相同,指因为运动或激动而呼吸急促。
例句:The children were out of breath after running around in the park all afternoon.
2. Puffed: 指因为剧烈运动而喘气。
例句:He puffed as he climbed up the stairs.
3. Excited: 和breathless意思相近,指被某件事情激发出强烈的情绪。
例句:She was too excited to sleep after receiving the good news.
4. Thrilling: 指令人感到兴奋和刺激的。
例句:The roller coaster ride was thrilling and left me breathless.
5. Asthmatic: 指患有哮喘的人,常常会因为呼吸困难而显得气喘吁吁。
例句:The asthmatic patient struggled to breathe during the asthma attack.
Breathless是一个常用的形容词,可以用来描述人的呼吸状态或情绪状态,也可以指某件事情令人兴奋不已。它的同义词有out of breath、puffed、excited、thrilling和asthmatic,但每个词都有其特定的使用场景。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达想要表达的意思。