更新时间:2024-03-17 12:38作者:小编
carry_over的读音为[kæri ˈəʊvə(r)]。
1. 作为动词,carry_over可以用来表示某物或某种情况的延续。:
- The effects of the economic crisis have carried over into the new year.
- The tradition of celebrating Christmas has carried over from Europe to America.
2. 作为名词,carry_over可以指转移或延期。:
- The carry-over of funds from last year's budget will help us cover the cost of the project.
- The carry-over of the meeting to next week will give us more time to prepare.
1. The positive attitude she had at work carried over into her personal life. (她在工作中展现出的积极态度也影响到了她的个人生活。)
2. The energy from the concert carried over into the rest of the night. (音乐会的能量延续到了整个晚上。)
3. The conflict between the two countries has been carrying over for decades. (这两个之间的已经延续了数十年。)
4. The company's success in the domestic market carried over to its expansion into international markets. (公司在国内市场的成功也延续到了其对国际市场的扩张。)
5. She decided to carry over her vacation days to the next year instead of using them all at once. (她决定把剩余的假期留到下一年使用,而不是一次性全部用完。)
1. continue:与carry_over的用法相似,都可以表示某物或某种情况的延续。
2. transfer:与carry_over作为名词时,可以互换使用。
3. postpone:与carry_over作为动词时,可以表示推迟或延期。