更新时间:2024-03-18 00:09作者:小编
clearest [ˈklɪərɪst]
1. The clearest water in the lake is found in the middle. (湖中最清澈的水位于中部。)
2. She has the clearest voice among all the singers. (她是所有歌手中嗓音最纯净的。)
3. The teacher's explanation was the clearest of all and everyone understood it. (老师的解释是最清晰明了的,每个人都听懂了。)
4. The sky was the clearest blue I had ever seen. (天空是我见过最清晰蔚蓝的。)
5. He expressed his thoughts in the clearest terms possible. (他以最明确的方式表达了自己的想法。)
1. Transparent:指物体透明,能够清晰地看到背后的事物,也可用来比喻思想或行为没有隐瞒或欺骗。
例句:The glass is transparent, you can see through it easily. (玻璃是透明的,你可以轻易地看穿它。)
His transparent intentions were obvious to everyone. (他的真实意图对每个人都是昭然若揭的。)
2. Distinct:指事物或概念有清晰的界限和特征,容易与其他事物区分开来。
例句:The two colors are very distinct, there is no way to mix them up. (这两种颜色非常明显,没有办法混淆它们。)
He has a distinct accent that makes him stand out in the crowd. (他有一种独特的口音,在人群中很容易被辨认出来。)
3. Obvious:指事物或情况十分明显,不需要多加解释就能被理解。
例句:It's obvious that he's not telling the truth. (很明显他在撒谎。)
The solution to this problem is obvious, why can't you see it? (这个问题的解决方法很明显,你怎么就看不出来呢?)
4. Evident:指事物或情况很明显,证据充分,不容置疑。
例句:It is evident that she is very talented in music. (很明显她在音乐方面有天赋。)
The effects of climate change are evident all over the world. (气候变化的影响在全世界都是显而易见的。)