更新时间:2024-03-19 23:17作者:小编
英 [ɪˈlektrɪk] 美 [ɪˈlɛktrɪk]
1. 作为形容词,electric可以用来描述与电有关的事物,如电灯、电视、电动机等。它也可以表示某种能量或力量,如电能、电压等。
2. 作为名词,electric指的是一种物质,也就是我们常说的“电”。在科学领域中,electric还可以指代一种力场,即电场。
3. electric也可以用来修饰人或事物所具有的特质和气质。比如,在音乐领域中,我们常说某首歌曲很“electric”,意思是它充满了活力和热情;在体育比赛中,我们也会说某个运动员表现出了“electric”般的速度和力量。
1. The electric current in the wire can power the light bulb.
2. The new electric car is environmentally friendly and energy efficient.
3. The atmosphere at the concert was electric, everyone was dancing and singing along.
4. The electric guitar is a popular instrument in rock music.
5. The electric shock from the outlet was enough to make him jump back.
1. electrical:与electric意思相同,但更常用于描述物理学或工程学领域中与电有关的事物。
例句:The electrical engineer designed a more efficient power grid.
2. electrifying:形容某种感觉或氛围充满了活力和刺激性,比electric更强烈。
例句:The band's performance was electrifying, the audience couldn't s cheering.
3. charged:指某种事物充满了能量或活力,也可以表示情绪高涨。
例句:The atmosphere in the stadium was charged with excitement as the home team scored a goal.
4. lively:形容某种场景或气氛活跃、生动。
例句:The lively conversation at the party kept everyone entertained.
5. energetic:指人或事物具有很强的精力和活力。
例句:She is an energetic dancer, always full of energy on stage.