更新时间:2024-03-22 10:46作者:小编
1. 作为动词使用时,holdup可以指阻碍或者延误某事物的进行。:
- The heavy rain held up the construction work.(大雨耽搁了建筑工作。)
- The traffic accident held up the traffic for hours.(交通事故造成交通堵塞数小时。)
2. 作为名词使用时,holdup可以指抢劫或者延误。:
- The bank holdup was caught on camera.(银行抢劫被摄像头拍下来了。)
- There was a holdup on the highway due to a car accident.(因为车祸,在高速公路上发生了堵塞。)
1. The train was held up by the heavy snow and arrived two hours late.
2. The bank holdup was carried out by three armed robbers.
3. The traffic was held up for half an hour due to a car accident on the highway.
4. The holdup of the meeting was caused by technical difficulties with the projector.
5. The police were able to prevent a potential holdup at the jewelry store.
1. delay:意为“延迟,耽搁”,与holdup的用法相似。
2. hinder:意为“阻碍,妨碍”,强调对某事物的影响。
3. obstruction:意为“阻碍,障碍”,指对某事物的阻挠或者妨碍。
4. robbery:意为“抢劫”,与holdup作为名词使用时含义相同。
5. setback:意为“挫折,阻碍”,强调对某事物发展的不利影响。
holdup是一个常用的英语单词,既可以作为动词表示耽搁、阻碍,也可以作为名词表示抢劫。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的holdup,交通堵塞、银行抢劫、延误等。同时,holdup也可以与其他词汇进行搭配,bank holdup、traffic holdup等。掌握好holdup的用法,能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。