更新时间:2024-03-23 22:58作者:小编
Lamaze是一个法国医生Fernand Lamaze发明的一种自然分娩方法,也被称为“Lamaze呼吸法”。它是一种通过深呼吸和放松来帮助妇女在分娩过程中疼痛和焦虑的方法。这种方法强调了母亲和胎儿之间的,鼓励母亲放松身心,通过深呼吸来减轻疼痛,并在分娩中保持积极的态度。Lamaze也被用作一种产前教育课程,帮助准父母了解分娩过程并做好准备。
Lamaze [ləˈmɑːz]
1. My wife and I have been attending Lamaze classes to prepare for the birth of our first child. (我和我的妻子一起参加Lamaze班来为我们第一个孩子的出生做准备。)
2. The Lamaze method emphasizes the importance of relaxation and breathing techniques during labor. (Lamaze方法强调了分娩过程中放松和呼吸技巧的重要性。)
3. Lamaze classes have helped me feel more confident and prepared for the birth of my baby. (Lamaze课程帮助我感觉更自信和为宝宝的出生做好准备。)
4. My sister used the Lamaze method during her labor and said it made a big difference in managing her pain. (我的姐姐在分娩过程中使用了Lamaze方法,她说这让她更容易疼痛。)
5. The Lamaze breathing techniques helped me stay calm and focused during my delivery. (Lamaze的呼吸技巧帮助我在分娩过程中保持冷静和专注。)
1. Natural childbirth method: 自然分娩方法
2. Lamaze technique: Lamaze技术
3. Childbirth education: 分娩教育
4. Prepared childbirth: 准备分娩
5. Psychoprophylaxis: 心理预防法