更新时间:2024-03-24 10:24作者:小编
long_distance的音标为[lɔŋ ˈdɪstəns],其中“lɔŋ”发音为“长”,“ˈdɪstəns”发音为“距离”。
作为形容词时,long_distance可以修饰名词,表示该名词与其他事物之间有较远的距离。:“We had a long-distance relationship for two years.”(我们两年都在保持着一段异地恋)。作为名词时,它可以指代两个地点之间的距离,也可以指代长途通话或旅行。:“I have to make a long distance call to my family.”(我需要给家人打一个长途)。
1. My best friend moved to another country, so we can only keep in touch through long-distance communication.(我的最好朋友搬到了另一个,所以我们只能通过长途通信保持。)
2. The long-distance relationship between them was put to the test when one of them had to move for work.(当他们中的一人因工作而搬迁时,他们之间的长距离恋情受到了考验。)
3. It takes a lot of effort and patience to maintain a long-distance friendship.(要维持一段长距离的友谊需要付出很多努力和耐心。)
4. My grandparents used to write letters to each other when they were in a long-distance relationship before getting married.(我祖父母在结婚前曾经保持过一段长距离恋情,他们之间通过写信来保持。)
5. The company has offices in different cities, so they often have long-distance meetings through video conferencing.(公司在不同城市都有办公室,所以他们经常通过视频进行远程。)
1. Far-off:形容两地距离遥远,可以作为形容词或者副词使用。
2. Remote:指两地之间的距离遥远,也可以指偏僻的地方。
3. Distant:指两地之间的距离远,在情感上也可以指疏远。
4. Faraway:形容两地之间的距离遥远,也可以表示某个地方很遥远。
5. Long-haul:通常用来形容旅行或者运输的距离长,也可以指两地之间的距离遥远。