更新时间:2024-03-25 05:47作者:小编
1. 错过火焰:在这种情况下,“miss_fire”指的是错过或未能看到火焰。这可能是因为火焰太小或者被其他物体挡住了视线。:“I missed the fire because I was standing behind a tree.”(我因为站在树后面而没有看到火焰。)
2. 射失火焰:当用作动词时,“miss_fire”也可以表示射击失败,未能击中目标。:“He missed the fire and hit the wall instead.”(他射失了火焰,反而打中了墙壁。)
3. 错过热情/机会:在某些情况下,“fire”可以指代热情或机会。“miss_fire”则表示错过了这种热情或机会。:“I regret not taking that job offer, it was a miss_fire.”(我后悔没有接受那份工作机会,那是一个错失的机会。)
“miss_fire”的发音为/mɪs ˈfaɪər/。
1. She missed the firework display because she arrived late.(她因为迟到而错过了烟花表演。)
2. He tried to shoot the target, but he missed the fire completely.(他试图射击目标,但完全没有命中。)
3. It was a miss_fire not to invest in that company, it's now worth millions.(当时没有投资那家公司是一个错失的机会,现在它值数百万。)
4. The photographer missed the fire in his shot because of a technical error.(摄影师由于技术问题,在他的镜头里错过了火焰。)
5. I'm afraid it's a miss_fire, we'll have to try again next time.(恐怕这次是个失败,我们下次再试吧。)
1. Miss out on:与“miss_fire”相似,都表示错过某件事情或未能做到某件事情。
2. Fail to hit:与“miss_fire”一样,都表示未能命中目标。
3. Lose an opportunity:这个短语与“miss_fire”的第三种用法类似,都指错失机会。
4. Overlook:这个词也可以表示错过或忽略某件事情。
5. Botch:这个动词也可以表示失败或搞砸某件事情。