更新时间:2024-03-26 09:40作者:小编
orign的音标为 /ˈɔrɪdʒɪn/。
1. 名词:表示事物的起源或来源,常用于科学、历史等领域。:
- The orign of the universe is still a mystery to scientists. (宇宙的起源仍然是科学家们的谜团。)
- The orign of this tradition can be traced back to ancient times. (这一传统可以追溯到古代。)
2. 动词:表示发展或创造某物的过程,也可以指某物的起源。:
- The idea for this project origned from a brainstorming session. (这个项目的想法来自一次头脑风暴。)
- This dish was origned in Italy and later became popular all over the world. (这道菜起源于意大利,后来在全世界流行开来。)
1. The orign of the coronavirus is still unknown.
2. Many people believe that music has its orign in Africa.
3. This painting is a masterpiece, but its orign is still a mystery.
4. The orign of the conflict can be traced back to a misunderstanding.
5. The company's orign dates back to the 19th century.
1. origin:与orign意思相同,但更常用于科学、历史等正式场合。
2. source:指事物的根源或来源,也可以表示信息或资源的获取途径。
3. beginning:指某物开始存在或发生的地方或时间。
4. birthplace:指人类、文化、思想等事物产生的地方。
5. root:指事物的根本或根源。