更新时间:2024-03-27 02:57作者:小编
1. 作为动词,piu可以用来表达增加某物的数量。:“我想要再买一些水果,因为我还没吃够。”(I want to buy some more fruits because I haven't had enough yet.)
2. 作为副词,piu可以用来表示增强某物的程度。:“这部电影比前一部更有趣。”(This movie is more interesting than the previous one.)
1. 我需要更多的时间来完成这项工作。(I need more time to finish this task.)
2. 她不断地吃着更多的零食。(She kept eating more snacks.)
3. 这个城市比我想象中更大。(This city is bigger than I thought it would be.)
4. 我需要再买一些面包。(I need to buy some more bread.)
5. 这首歌比之前听到的版本更好听。(This song sounds better than the version I heard before.)
1. additional:作为形容词或副词,表示额外的或附加的。:“我需要额外的帮助。”(I need additional help.)
2. further:作为形容词或副词,表示更远的或进一步的。:“我需要进一步了解这个问题。”(I need to further understand this issue.)
3. more:作为形容词或副词,表示更多的或更加。:“他们需要更多的资金来完成这个项目。”(They need more funds to complete this project.)