更新时间:2024-03-27 05:00作者:小编
1. 名词用法:
- She reached into her pocket and took out a coin.(她伸手进口袋取出一枚硬币。)
- He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a pen.(他把手伸进裤兜里拿出一支笔。)
- The company has a deep pocket and can afford to invest in new technologies.(这家公司资金雄厚,可以承担投资新技术。)
- The government has to tighten its belt and cut spending from its pocket.(必须勒紧裤腰带,从自己的支出中削减开支。)
2. 动词用法:
- She pocketed the money and walked away quickly.(她把钱收进口袋里,迅速离开。)
- He pocketed the jewels and ran out of the store.(他把珠宝藏进口袋里,跑出了商店。)
- The thief pocketed the wallet and disappeared into the crowd.(小偷把钱包藏进口袋里,在人群中消失了。)
1. She always carries a small notebook in her pocket for taking notes when she's out.(她总是随身带着一本小笔记本,外出时用来做记录。)
2. The company's profits have been steadily increasing, thanks to their deep pockets and smart investments.(由于公司资金雄厚、投资明智,利润一直在稳步增长。)
3. He was caught red-handed trying to pocket some expensive jewelry from the store.(他当场到从商店里偷走贵重的珠宝。)
4. The politician was accused of pocketing public funds for his own personal gain.(这位家被指控为了个人利益而侵吞公款。)
5. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper with an address written on it.(她伸手进口袋,拿出一张皱巴巴的纸上面写着一个。)
1. pouch:指形状类似口袋的小袋子,常用于动物身上的袋子或装药物的小袋子。
2. sack:指较大的口袋,通常用于装运货物或储存东西。
3. pocketbook:指女士们随身携带的小钱包,也可以指手提包。
4. stash:指秘密地藏匿或储藏某物。
5. hoard:指积累或囤积大量财富或物品。