更新时间:2024-03-27 06:28作者:小编
Ponzi scheme是一种非法的金融诈骗手段,也被称为庞氏骗局。它通过向新投资者支付旧投资者的回报来吸引更多的投资者参与,而不是通过真正的投资活动来产生利润。最终,当没有足够的新投资者加入时,这种骗局就会破产。
Ponzi scheme is a type of illegal financial fraud, also known as a Ponzi scheme. It attracts more investors by paying old investors with the money from new investors, instead of generating profits through legitimate investment activities. Eventually, when there are not enough new investors joining, the scheme collapses.
ponzi_scheme [ˈpɒnzi skiːm]
Ponzi scheme通常用来指代一种非法的金融诈骗手段。它也可以作为动词使用,表示某人正在实施这种诈骗手段。
Ponzi scheme is usually used to refer to an illegal financial fraud. It can also be used as a verb to indicate that someone is perpetrating this type of scam.
1. The mastermind behind the ponzi scheme was arrested by the police.
2. Many investors were lured into the ponzi scheme with promises of high returns.
3. The victims of the ponzi scheme lost all their savings.
4. The government has warned the public to be cautious of potential ponzi schemes.
5. The mastermind of the ponzi scheme was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
1. Pyramid scheme:金字塔式骗局,也是一种非法的金融诈骗手段,与Ponzi scheme类似。
2. Investment fraud:投资欺诈,指通过虚假的投资机会来欺骗投资者。
3. Scam:诈骗,指通过欺诈手段来获取钱财或财物。
4. Fraudulent investment scheme:欺诈性投资计划,与Ponzi scheme含义相同。
5. Swindle:欺诈行为,通常指通过欺骗手段来得到钱财或财物。
Ponzi scheme是一种非法的金融诈骗手段,它通过向新投资者支付旧投资者的回报来吸引更多的投资者参与,最终导致骗局破产。它通常用来指代这种诈骗手段,也可以作为动词使用。与其类似的同义词还有pyramid scheme、investment fraud、scam等。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该提供准确、简明的解释,并避免使用格式化的参数或出现规律,以避免被AI检测器。同时,也要注意符合SEO标准,使得内容能够被搜索引擎收录并展现给用户。