更新时间:2024-03-27 16:15作者:小编
Prostitution refers to the act of exchanging sexual services for money or other goods, also known as prostitution. This behavior is often considered illegal and morally unacceptable.
prostitution [ˌprɒstɪˈtjuːʃn]
As a noun, prostitution can be used to describe an act or phenomenon, or refer to the entire industry. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to engage in the business of prostitution.
1. Prostitution is illegal in most countries.
2. She was forced into prostitution at a young age.
3. The police are cracking down on prostitution in this area.
4. Many women turn to prostitution as a means of survival.
5. He was arrested for soliciting prostitution.
1. Prostitution的同义词包括:sex work, commercial sex, the sex trade。
2. Prostitution可以用来描述一种行为,而sex work则更加强调其中的劳动性质。
3. Commercial sex指的是通过提供性服务来获得经济利益的行为。
4. The sex trade则指整个卖淫行业,包括卖淫者、嫖客和中间人等。
prostitution是一种通过提供性服务来换取金钱或其他物品的行为,通常被视为非法和道德上不可接受。它可以作为一个名词或动词使用,用来描述一种行为或现象,也可以指代整个行业。其同义词包括sex work、commercial sex和the sex trade。在使用时需要注意区分其含义,并避免将其与合法的性工作混淆。