更新时间:2024-03-28 00:25作者:小编
1. 作为动词使用时,rapped通常表示用手或物体轻轻地敲打某物。:“他把手掌放在桌子上,轻轻地敲了几下。”(He put his palm on the table and rapped lightly a few times.)
2. 另外,rapped也可以指用拳头或棍棒等武器进行猛烈的打击。:“突然闯入房间,将嫌疑人狠狠地打了几下。”(The police burst into the room and rapped the suspect hard a few times.)
3. 作为名词使用时,rapped可以指一种说唱音乐风格。:“他们都喜欢听嘻哈说唱音乐。”(They all enjoy listening to hip-hop rap music.)
1. The teacher rapped the desk with her ruler to get the students' attention.(老师用尺子敲打桌子,吸引学生的注意力。)
2. The prisoner was rapped on the knuckles by the guard for trying to escape.(囚犯因为企图逃跑,被护卫用棍棒打击手指关节。)
3. The rapper rapped about his experiences growing up in the inner city.(这位说唱歌手唱出了他在内城长大的经历。)
4. She rapped her fingers impatiently on the table, waiting for her friend to arrive.(她不耐烦地在桌子上敲打手指,等待朋友的到来。)
5. The judge rapped his gavel and called for order in the courtroom.(敲响木槌,要求法庭秩序井然。)
1. knock:与rapped相似,也可以指轻轻地敲打某物。
2. tap:也可以表示轻轻地敲击某物。
3. hit:比rapped更强烈,通常指猛烈地打击。
4. rap out:与rapped类似,表示用力而快速地敲打某物。