更新时间:2024-03-28 03:22作者:小编
英文意思:the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil; the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, clearing a debt, or fulfilling a promise.
/redemp·tion/ [rɪˈdɛmpʃən]
1. 作为名词,表示“赎回、救赎、补偿”的含义。
2. 在语境中,指信仰中的上帝通过耶稣基督的死亡和复活来拯救人类免于原罪的行为。
3. 在商业领域,指通过支付款项来换取某种权利或财产所有权。
4. 在日常生活中,可以用来表示对过去错误的弥补或改正。
1. The redemption of our sins is only possible through the grace of God.
2. The company offered a special redemption program for customers who had purchased faulty products.
3. He was seeking redemption for his past mistakes by volunteering at the homeless shelter.
4. The redemption of the stolen goods required a substantial payment to the owner.
5. The movie tells a story of love, betrayal, and ultimate redemption.
1. Salvation:指从罪恶、困境或危险中得到拯救。
2. Atonement:指通过行为或补偿来弥补过错。
3. Repayment:指偿还债务或报答某种恩情。
4. Reclamation:指重新获得某物的所有权。
5. Deliverance:指从危险或苦难中解脱出来。