更新时间:2024-03-28 18:39作者:小编
英文:a length of strong cord made by twisting together strands of natural fibers, such as hemp or sisal, or artificial fibers, such as nylon or polyester.
1. 绳子通常用来捆绑、吊挂或拉动物品。
2. 也可以作为运动器材,如攀岩绳、跳绳等。
3. 绳子还可以用来做手工艺品,如编织、打结等。
1. He used a rope to tie the boxes together. 他用一根绳子把箱子捆在一起。
2. The climbers were tied to each other with a rope for safety. 攀岩者们为了安全起见,彼此用绳子系在一起。
3. My daughter loves to play with jump ropes in the park. 我女儿喜欢在公园里玩跳绳。
4. She is skilled at making different knots with ropes. 她擅长用绳子打不同的结。
5. The ship's anchor was attached to a thick rope. 船锚被系在一根粗绳上。
1. cord: a thin rope made of several twisted strands of material, often used for tying or fastening.
2. twine: a thin rope made of two or more strands twisted together, often used for tying or wrapping.
3. cable: a thick rope or bundle of wires used for electrical or communication purposes.
4. lasso: a long rope with a loop at one end, used for catching animals.
5. hawser: a thick rope used for towing or mooring ships.