更新时间:2024-03-28 22:47作者:小编
sala是一个西班牙语单词,意为“大厅”、“客厅”,也可以指“聚会场所”、“舞厅”。在英语中,sala通常被翻译为“hall”、“living room”或者“lounge”。
1. sala作为名词,可以用来指代一个房子或公寓中的客厅、起居室。:
- The living room is connected to the kitchen.
- We always gather in the lounge after dinner.
2. sala也可以指任何一种公共场所,如咖啡馆、餐馆、酒吧等。:
- Let's meet at the coffee shop around the corner.
- The party was held in a beautiful ballroom.
3. 在西班牙语中,sala还可以指教堂里的祈祷室。:
- The church has a small prayer room for visitors.
1. The guests were chatting in the sala when I arrived.
2. Our new apartment has a spacious sala with a beautiful view.
3. The dance party will be held in the sala of the hotel.
4. Please wait for me in the lounge, I'll be there soon.
5. The prayer room in the church is called "sala de oración" in Spanish.
(教堂里的祈祷室在西班牙语中被称为“sala de oración”。)
1. hall:指大型建筑物中的走廊或者大厅,也可以指学校、酒店等建筑物中的室。
2. living room:指家庭住宅中用来休息和娱乐的房间。
3. lounge:指酒店、机场等公共场所内供人休息和放松的房间。
4. ballroom:指一种大型舞蹈场地,通常用于举办舞会或者表演。
5. parlor:指一种小型私人会客室,也可以指某些商业场所中的休息室。