更新时间:2024-03-29 16:04作者:小编
Sketch is an English word that has two main meanings. The first meaning refers to a simple and rough drawing or painting, often used to describe preliminary designs or sketches. The second meaning refers to a brief and vivid description or portrayal, often used in literary works. In this article, we will focus on these two meanings.
The pronunciation of Sketch is /skɛtʃ/, with "s" pronounced as /s/, "k" as /k/, "e" as /ɛ/, and "t" as /tʃ/.
1. 作为名词使用时,sketch可以指代一幅简单粗略的画作或设计草图。:
- He showed me a sketch of his new invention.
- 他给我看了他新发明的草图。
2. 作为动词使用时,sketch可以指绘制简单的草图或设计。:
- She sketched the outline of the building on a piece of paper.
- 她在一张纸上画出了建筑物的轮廓。
3. 在文学作品中,sketch也可以指一篇简短而生动的描述。:
- The author's sketch of the old town captured my imagination.
- 作者对老城区的描写让我感到神往。
4. 在艺术领域,sketch也可以指一种绘画技巧,即快速而粗略地勾勒出主题的轮廓和基本特征。:
- The artist used a sketch to plan out his painting before starting on the final piece.
- 这位艺术家在开始最终作品前使用草图来规划他的画作。
1. He quickly sketched out his idea on a napkin. (他迅速在餐巾纸上勾勒出了他的想法。)
2. The architect presented several sketches for the new building design. (建筑师展示了几幅新建筑设计的草图。)
3. The writer's sketch of the main character was vivid and captivating. (作家对主角的描写生动吸引人。)
4. She sketched her dream wedding dress in her notebook. (她在笔记本上画下了她梦想中的婚纱。)
5. The artist's sketches revealed the thought process behind his final masterpiece. (艺术家的草图展现了他最终杰作背后的思考过程。)
1. drawing:指用笔或铅笔在纸上画出图形或图像,通常也可以指艺术作品。
- The children were busy drawing pictures on the sidewalk.
- 孩子们忙着在人行道上画画。
2. outline:指简单地勾勒出主题的轮廓,也可以指概述或大纲。
- Can you give me an outline of your presentation?
- 你能给我介绍一下你的演讲提纲吗?
3. depiction:指用文字、画面或雕塑等方式生动地描绘出来。
- The artist's depiction of the sunset was breathtaking.
- 艺术家对日落的描绘令人惊叹。
4. portrayal:指通过描述或表现来展现某人或某物的形象。
- His portrayal of the character was praised by critics.
- 评论家们赞扬了他对这个角色的刻画。