更新时间:2024-03-29 23:29作者:小编
soundmen [saʊndmən]
1. The soundmen were busy setting up microphones and testing the sound levels before the filming began. (在拍摄开始前,声音师们忙着设置麦克风并测试声量。)
2. The soundmen were praised for their excellent work on the film's sound design. (这部电影的声音设计得到了声学师们出色的工作认可。)
3. The soundmen used special techniques to create a realistic and immersive audio experience for the audience. (声学师们使用特殊技术为观众打造了逼真而身临其境的听觉体验。)
4. The soundmen had to work overtime to fix a technical issue with the sound equipment. (声音师们不得不加班解决声音设备的技术问题。)
5. The soundmen's attention to detail was crucial in creating the perfect balance of dialogue, music, and sound effects in the final mix. (声学师们对细节的关注在最终混音中起着至关重要的作用,帮助实现对话、音乐和音效的完美平衡。)
1. Sound engineer:指声音工程师,也是指从事录制、混合和处理声音工作的人。
2. Audio technician:指音频技术人员,也是指负责处理录音和混音等工作的专业人员。
3. Sound designer:指声音设计师,主要负责为电影、电视节目或游戏等制作适合的声效。
4. Sound recordist:指录音师,专门负责在现场进行录制和收集声音素材。