更新时间:2024-03-30 04:18作者:小编
SSTA是什么意思(中文):SSTA是英文“System Software Testing Automation”的缩写,意为“软件测试自动化”。
SSTA是什么意思(英文):SSTA is the abbreviation of "System Software Testing Automation", which means "automated testing of system software".
1. Our team has implemented SSTA in our testing process, and it has greatly improved our efficiency. (我们团队已经在我们的测试流程中引入了SSTA,它极大地提高了我们的效率。)
2. With the help of SSTA, we can run multiple tests simultaneously and identify bugs quickly. (借助于SSTA,我们可以同时运行多个测试,并快速错误。)
3. The company is looking for a candidate who has experience in SSTA to join their software testing team. (公司正在寻找有SSTA经验的候选人加入他们的软件测试团队。)
4. SSTA can be integrated with continuous integration tools to automate the entire testing process. (SSTA可以与持续集成工具结合,实现整个测试过程的自动化。)
5. By implementing SSTA, we have reduced the time and effort required for manual testing, and our software quality has also improved. (通过引入SSTA,我们减少了手动测试所需的时间和精力,并且软件质量也得到了提升。)
同义词及用法:自动化测试(automated testing)、自动化软件测试(automated software testing)、自动化测试(automated system testing)。