更新时间:2024-03-30 14:41作者:小编
1. 作为名词时,常用于形容突然出现的大量事物或者情感。:a surge of anger(一阵愤怒)、a surge of energy(一股能量的涌现)。
2. 作为动词时,常用于形容快速移动或者涌入。:The crowd surged forward(人群向前涌去)、Emotions surged within her(情绪在她心中涌动)。
1. The sudden surge of gave him the strength to lift the heavy object.
2. The company experienced a surge in profits after implementing the new marketing strategy.
3. As the storm approached, a surge of fear washed over the small town.
4. The waves surged against the shore, creating a beautiful sight.
5. The surge of refugees crossing the border has put a strain on the country's resources.
1. surge的同义词包括:spike、surgeon、gush、flood等。它们都可以用来形容突然增加或者快速移动。
2. spike通常指数量或者情绪的突然上升,:a spike in crime(犯罪数量的激增)、a spike of excitement(兴奋情绪的突然上升)。
3. surgeon也可以指数量或者情绪的迅速增加,但更强调涌现出来的力量,:a surgeon of energy(一股能量的涌现)、a surgeon of anger(一阵愤怒)。
4. gush通常用来形容液体或者气体喷射出来,也可用于比喻性语境中,:a gush of tears(泪水涌出)、a gush of compliments(一连串赞美)。
5. flood指大量事物或者情感像水一样涌入,也可用于比喻性语境中,:a flood of memories(回忆如潮)、a flood of support(大量支持)。