更新时间:2024-03-30 21:30作者:小编
1. taster作为名词使用时,可表示“品酒师”、“品尝专家”、“品酒活动中参与品尝的人”等含义。:“He is a professional taster.”(他是一名专业的品酒师。)
2. taster也可以作为形容词使用,表示“试用的”、“小样的”。:“I received a taster pack of the new product.”(我收到了新产品的试用包。)
3. 在英式英语中,taster还有一个特殊用法,指“小菜”。:“We ordered some tasters before the main course.”(我们点了些主菜前的小菜。)
1. The wine company invited several professional tasters to taste their new collection. (这家酒庄邀请了几位专业的品酒师来品尝他们的新系列。)
2. He has been working as a taster for more than 10 years and has a great palate. (他已经做了10多年的品酒师,拥有敏锐的味觉。)
3. The event organizer prepared taster glasses for all the participants to taste the different types of wine. (活动主办方为所有参与者准备了小样酒杯,让大家品尝不同种类的葡萄酒。)
4. I received a taster pack of the new perfume, and I must say it smells amazing. (我收到了新香水的试用包,我必须说它闻起来很棒。)
5. The restaurant offers a variety of tasters as appetizers, such as bruschetta and mini quiches. (这家餐厅提供各种小菜作为开胃菜,比如意式烤面包和迷你蛋挞。)
1. sampler:指品尝专家或参与品尝的人。
2. tester:指试用品或小样。
3. connoisseur:指懂行的人、行家或鉴赏家。
4. critic:指评论家或批评者。