更新时间:2024-04-13 07:02作者:小编
一碧万顷(yī bì wàn qǐng)是一个成语,意思是指碧蓝色的海或湖水一望无际,形容广阔无垠的景象。这个成语可以用来形容大海或湖泊的壮阔景观,也可以比喻某种事物的广阔和无限。
yī bì wàn qǐng (yi1 bi4 wan4 qing3)
1. 海天一碧万顷,风平浪静,仿佛置身于天地之间。(The sea and sky are boundless, with calm winds and waves, as if in the midst of heaven and earth.)
2. 登上高山顶,只见远处一碧万顷的湖泊,美不胜收。(Climbing to the of the mountain, there is a boundless lake in the distance, which is extremely beautiful.)
3. 夏日午后,在碧蓝色的海滩上漫步,感受着一碧万顷的大海给人带来的宁静和安宁。(In the afternoon of summer, strolling on the blue beach, feeling the tranquility and serenity brought by the boundless sea.)
4. 从山顶俯瞰,只见一碧万顷的稻田,像一块绿色的毯子铺展在山间。(Looking down from the of the mountain, you can see a boundless rice field, like a green blanket spread in the mountains.)
5. 这部小说描写了一个充满激情、充满挑战的冒险故事,读起来让人仿佛置身于一碧万顷的海洋中。(This novel describes an adventure story full of passion and challenges, reading it makes people feel like they are in a boundless ocean.)
1. 苍茫:形容广阔无垠,多用于自然景观。
2. 辽阔:形容宽广无边,多指平原、草原等地形。
3. 浩渺:形容浩瀚广阔,多用于描写大海或天空。
4. 广袤:形容面积广阔,多用于地理范围。
5. 无垠:形容没有边际,无限延伸。