

更新时间:2024-04-13 06:59作者:小编

What is the meaning of "一直往前走。" (Chinese and English translation)

一直往前走。(yī zhí wǎng qián zǒu.) means "keep moving forward" or "keep going straight" in English.


How to pronounce (phonetics):

一直往前走。: yī zhí wǎng qián zǒu. (IPA: í ʈ͡ʂɻ̩̌ wàŋ t͡ɕʰjɛ̌n t͡sóu.)



一直往前走。is a phrase commonly used to encourage someone to continue moving forward or to keep going in a certain direction. It can also be used as a reminder to stay focused on one's goals and not give up.


Example sentences with Chinese and English translation:

1. 他告诉自己要一直往前走,不要回头看。(Tā gàosù zìjǐ yào yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu, bùyào huítóu kàn.) - He told himself to keep moving forward and not look back.

2. 她的信念让她一直往前走,最终实现了自己的梦想。(Tā de xìnniàn ràng tā yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu, zuìzhōng shíxiàn le zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.) - Her determination kept her moving forward and she eventually achieved her dreams.

3. 不管遇到什么困难,我们都要一直往前走。(Bùguǎn yùdào shénme kùnnán, wǒmen dōu yào yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu.) - No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must keep moving forward.

4. 在这条路上,我们只能一直往前走,没有退路。(Zài zhè tiáo lù shàng, wǒmen zhǐnéng yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu, méiyǒu tuìlù.) - On this path, we can only keep moving forward, there is no turning back.

5. 他们一直往前走,终于来到了山顶,欣赏着美丽的风景。(Tāmen yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu, zhōngyú lái dào le shāndǐng, xīnshǎng zhe měilì de fēngjǐng.) - They kept moving forward and finally reached the of the mountain, enjoying the beautiful scenery.


Synonyms and usage:

1. 前进 (qiánjìn) - to advance/to move forward

Example: 我们要不断地前进,才能取得更大的成就。(Wǒmen yào búduàn de qiánjìn, cáinéng qǔdé gèng dà de chéngjiù.) - We must keep advancing in order to achieve greater success.

2. 向前 (xiàng qián) - forward

Example: 我们要向前看,不要被过去的错误所困扰。(Wǒmen yào xiàng qián kàn, bùyào bèi guòqù de cuòwù suǒ kùnrǎo.) - We should look forward and not be troubled by past mistakes.

3. 不断进步 (búduàn jìnbù) - continuous progress

Example: 只有不断进步,我们才能变得更强大。(Zhǐyǒu búduàn jìnbù, wǒmen cáinéng biàn dé gèng qiángdà.) - Only through continuous progress can we become stronger.

4. 坚持不懈 (jiānchí búxiè) - persistently/perseveringly

Example: 我们必须坚持不懈地努力,才能实现我们的目标。(Wǒmen bìxū jiānchí búxiè de nǔlì, cáinéng shíxiàn wǒmen de mùbiāo.) - We must persistently work hard in order to achieve our goals.


Editor's summary:

"一直往前走。" is a powerful phrase that conveys the idea of perseverance and determination to keep moving forward. It can be used in various situations to encourage oneself or others to stay focused on their goals and not give up. The phrase has similar meanings and usage with synonyms such as "前进" and "向前", but it has a stronger emphasis on continuous progress and not looking back. As an editor, I believe this phrase can serve as a reminder to always strive for improvement and never give up on our dreams.



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