更新时间:2024-04-13 18:13作者:小编
临危下石 [lín wēi xià shí]
1. 在公司遇到困难的时候,他总是能够临危下石,帮助我们度过难关。
When our company faced difficulties, he always stayed calm and helped us get through it.
2. 我很感激他在我最需要帮助的时候能够临危下石。
I am grateful that he was able to step in and help me when I needed it the most.
3. 面对突发,她总能够冷静应对并且迅速做出正确的决策。
She always stays calm and makes the right decisions quickly when facing unexpected events.
4. 他的朋友们都知道,他是一个能够临危下石的人,无论何时何地都会帮助他们。
His friends all know that he is someone who can be counted on in times of crisis, always ready to help them no matter where or when.
5. 她在危急关头挺身而出,为受伤的人提供急救,并且成功挽救了一条生命。
She stepped up in a critical moment, providing first aid to the injured person and successfully saving a life.
1. 应对艰难:形容在困难面前勇敢应对并解决问题。
2. 挺身而出:表示在关键时刻主动站出来做出行动或决策。
3. 保持镇静:指在紧急情况下保持冷静和理智。
4. 伸出援手:表示给予帮助或支持。
5. 解围:指解决困难或危机。