更新时间:2024-04-14 02:56作者:小编
dài gòu dài xiāo (dài gòu dài xiāo)
1. 我们可以通过代购代销的方式来购买日本的美妆产品。(We can purchase Japanese beauty products through the method of purchasing and selling on behalf.)
2. 他们公司专门从欧洲采购高品质的红酒,然后通过代购代销的方式在市场进行销售。(Their company specializes in purchasing high-quality wines from Europe and then selling them in the Chinese market through the method of purchasing and selling on behalf.)
3. 作为一名跨境电商的代购代销人员,我每天都要处理大量的订单。(As a purchasing and selling on behalf personnel on a cross-border e-commerce platform, I have to deal with a large number of orders every day.)
4. 通过代购代销,消费者可以更方便地购买到海外商品,同时也能享受到更优惠的价格。(Through purchasing and selling on behalf, consumers can purchase overseas products more conveniently and also enjoy more favorable prices.)
5. 这家公司专门提供跨境电商上的代购代销服务,为消费者带来更多选择和便利。(This company specializes in providing purchasing and selling on behalf services on cross-border e-commerce platforms, bringing more choices and convenience to consumers.)
1. 代理销售 (dài lǐ xiāo shòu): 指由个人或公司作为中间商,帮助销售商品并从中获取佣金。
2. 跨境代购 (kuà jìng dài gòu): 指消费者通过中间商在其他或地区购买商品。
3. 采购贸易 (cǎi gòu mào yì): 指由个人或公司作为中间商,帮助采购商品并从中获取利润。
4. 购物服务 (gòu wù fú wù): 指通过网络或线下渠道提供帮助消费者购物的服务。
5. 外贸批发 (wài mào pī fā): 指由个人或公司作为中间商,帮助销售国外的商品并从中获取利润。